Hiring Policy Template
Hiring Policy Sample
What is a Hiring Policy?
A hiring policy is a document that explains the correct and acceptable methods and procedures for hiring new candidates. These policies can change based on the business since companies frequently modify their hiring criteria to meet their particular requirements. Let’s understand this policy better through an example; suppose an employee joins during the holiday season; at that moment company might relax its policies, but the company can change them back to what it was once the period has passed.
The Purpose Behind the Hiring Policy
The hiring policy of any company serves the purpose of listing particular initiatives and efforts that help recruit the best candidate for the particular role. The hiring policy creates an easy path for companies to identify employees who are prolific and loyal, which ultimately reduces the employee’s overall turnover rates. Hiring policy sample represents and supports company’s culture and exhibits the principles of who they hire, the qualifications they look for, and the employees they require for leadership and managerial positions. Hiring policy of companies varies depending on the company’s values and objectives.
How to Write a Hiring Policy Sample?
Create Hiring Policy Sample With the Following 8 Easy Steps
Policy Objective
While writing about the policy’s objective, also ensure that you describe the policy’s purpose as it states its aim, including everything about hiring competent candidates. The goal mentions how the whole procedure is to be conducted by an HR professional.
Scope of the Policy
A policy’s scope explains the eligibility criteria that fit a candidate through this policy. This part covers both external and internal candidates. This part is optional, but it is better to present this in your policy as it gives a general idea about who this policy applies.
Add Personal Requisitions
Personal requisitions are a section that describes all the job details. It mentions who institutes the position and who approves it. It tells you about the job details like the job title, the reason behind the job opening, working hours, qualifications needed for the job, and other additional information.
What should personal requisitions include:
1. Position title
2. Position hours/shifts
3. Exempt or non-exempt status of the position
4. Reason for the opening
5. Essential job functions and qualifications (or a current job description may be attached)
6. Any special recruitment advertising instructions
Detail Meeting Strategies
Make sure to include prominent hiring strategies, it tells you who is responsible for establishing recruitment strategies and what prime recruiting initiatives you need to consider. It mentions who is going to be present in this meeting and who is to head the meeting.
Detail About Job standards
This section acknowledges who is responsible for posting and creating the job details, how long it needs to be there, and where it should be posted. It tells you who is supposed to maintain and track resumes and job applications.
Internal Candidate Procedures
This section explains the requirements for internal candidate procedures. Steps they need to follow for applying for the position include asking for prior permission from their manager for the qualifications they require before applying.
Interview Process
This section also tells who is responsible for covering candidates and the CV screening process before the interview. Through this process, people know who will participate in initial interview discussions, what questions will be asked, and how the whole process will be conducted.
Procedure for Job Offers
Further, you will learn about all the conditions and requirements to be mentioned while offering a job to a candidate. It says what is to be further done before the background checks, and it also tells you about what background checks you have to include. This section also mentions how the candidate is to accept the job offer.
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